
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Public or Private Profiles ;D

This Cybersmart session we were learning what and what not to put on the web, please check out the rest of my work and give me feedback!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Public vs. Private

 Today we were learning about how and what of our information to keep safe.

Here's a video that we watched -

How would I decide what to keep private and not????
If I was unsure then I would ask a trusted adult, or, I could come back to my blog and check out my blog for this post right here.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Syrian War, Pick your own path! [NOT FINISHED]

[Not Finished]
The Syrian war still goes on today, starting in 2011, no one has done anything about it, they don't send children to war, they just kill them, we need to do something about this.
Give me feedback in the comments below! It'll be finished soon!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A Late Anzac Anime

 Late Anzac animation - Sorry its a bit late ;P