
Friday, October 25, 2019

The power of TAKING ACTION

Kia ora everyone!
This term our topic is: "The power of taking action" we are going to create an art piece to cause awareness of a situation (animal cruelty, racism, poverty, etc.) We will then use all the money we raised from selling/auctioning our art pieces and buy gifts for children who are less fortunate this Christmas. We will then all take the gifts down to the Cardboard cathedral were we will put all the gifts under the giving tree.
Here are examples of the art we may create:
Image result for animal awareness artistsImage result for animal awareness art cow eye
Have you ever done anything like this? Tell me your answer and opinions on the topic in the comments!

Friday, October 18, 2019

My Term 4 Goal Ladders

Kia ora everyone!
This term we had to create 2 goal ladders, one focusing on one of the 5 R's (Respect, Reciprocity, Resourcefulness, Resilience, Reflectiveness) and the other one focusing on a subject of our work.
Here are my Goal ladders, I am going to work towards achieving both my goals this term by following the steps on the ladders.
EDIT: I just realized I made a typo in the ladder :'(