
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Word Art

Kia Ora Tamariki! 

This last week we've been trying out word art, the year sixes did it last year about ourselves, but never mind. This year we had to do it on things that make us feel like we belong in our environment, my first one that I'm going to show (The red & black one) is about what makes me feel like I belong in school, and the second one describes what makes me feel like I belong in New Zealand.


  1. hi isabella i like your word art but mabye on the second word art you could make it easier to see

    1. Hi Leo, thanks for the comment.
      Yeah, I did consider that before posting it, however my friends did dare me to post it with those colors, and you know how that goes.

  2. Nice work Isabella, next time you could make the text a bit larger so you can see the text overall really good.

    1. Hi Fletcher, thanks for the comment! I did consider that but due to time I had to rush it, if you want to see the words easier you can click on the photo and it will enlarge it for you.


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - Begin with a greeting. Talk about something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
Encourage me to make another post