
Friday, February 28, 2020

My Family Tree

For our inquiry this term we are focusing on connecting the community. We are also going to create our pepehas this term so we needed to create our family trees. My mums side is quite big, but dads, not so much.

10 Ways to have a great conversation :)

Kia ora everyone!
Along with our inquiry this term (making connections) we also watched a ted talk about the 10 best ways to have a conversation (please note all the typos in this are on purposeee). Addison C and I made one together, I did the designs, and she did the writing and animation, enjoy! (Beware it really sucks)

Making connections - VOH Poster

For this terms inquiry we have been focusing on making connections in the community. We then learnt about a whole lot of different numbers and companies that you can contact if you want to talk about something: e.g. voices of hope, kidsline, heathline. We then needed to make a poster of our chosen company and explain  what it's for. It shouldn't include too much writing so someone walking by could quickly take a glance and know what and why to call it. I chose the voices of hope, they focus on mental illness.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Samoan Language Studies

Kia ora everyone!

This term we are learning Samoan. We first learnt  a bit about Samoa, like how they love their dances, where they are located, and more.

Then we learnt the basic Samoan Greetings:

  1.  Fā = Bye
  2. Tōfā soifua = Goodbye 
  3. Talofa lava = Hello (Formal)
  4. Talofa = Hi (Casual
We are now learning the alphabet, and we were meant to make a DLO about the alphabet and how to pronounce each letter, but I was away when we were tasked to do so, so here is a small chart of the alphabet itself.
Image result for samoan alphabet
And here is the slide I made at the beginning of them term with a bit of info about Samoa in it:

My Painfully Terrible Portrait

Kia Ora Bloggers,

At the start of this term we did abstract Portraits inspired by Romero Britto. Romero likes to draw people and then add lots of colors and patterns to the illustrations depending on how he's feeling. We did the same put instead put things about us on it, e.g.: Our family culture, things we like, etc.
In mine you will see animals, art pallets, the BTS icon (oh course!!) and a few other things.

I'm really not happy with how mine turned out, I'm happy with the background & patterns, just not with the demented face. Here's mine D: :

Monday, February 17, 2020

Bad Bar Graphs

Attempt 1:

Attempt 2:
The second go I got 6/6, I used a ruler, I had a detailed title, gaps between the bars, the frequency was on the lines and not it the bars, I had labeled axis, and the scale started at 0 and went up in equal amounts.

The next time you make a bar graph would you get 6/6? Or would you need to try again? :))