
Friday, May 1, 2020

Original Animals

So for one of our Friday tasks we had the option of creating our own animal.
I made a two-tailed fox, it's not the most original idea, but I didn't feel very creative today.

This species also has horns, apparently the bigger and longer the horns, the older the fox is said to be.
One particular blood-line of these animals have wings (cliche, I know..) and they are normally a lighter color of the animals original fur.

Mine's mainly purple, I drew her digitally on the app "Firealpaca" with a wacom intuos tablet.

Another activity I did today was a stained-glass window drawing/art piece, I was going to make a separate post for it but sadly my Chromebook camera isn't working, and I can't find my phone, so I might update this later.

Hey I have a question, do you like to make art? (I love to draw !)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Isabella, I was looking forward to seeing what you would create for this task! I love the eyes that you put on your cartoons. I also really enjoyed hearing abut the whole species, and how how some bloodlines have wings, you have a great imagination. I also like to draw, I follow tutorials and particularly like to draw animals. Mrs D


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