
Friday, June 28, 2019

How to Duathlon (Not literally)

Kia ora everyone! A few months ago my friends and I recorded the schools duathlon, it was very stressful, but fun, I hope you enjoy!
*Click, Click, Click*
“FRIGGEN CLICk the checkbox! Cooper just ran past!” Zoe screeched in my ear as I hurriedly scrolled down the google sheet trying to find Cooper Cowles’s name. “Brooke Robertson has ran past now, it’s her third lap!” one spectator screamed at me.

“I’m not doing the girls! AND I’M NOT DEAF!” I turned to Zoe, and suddenly she look like my puppy does whenever he gets told off by my Mum. I patted Zoes head.
“Gold girl” I praised her, tempted to give her a treat. 

Zoe, Pandora, Sophia, and I were timing and keeping track of the positions. (It was very stressful) Suddenly, a stampede of boys raced past.

“ZAC MASON LOGIN TYLER MALAKI!” Zoe yelped, causing me to almost fall over in attempt to put my hands over my ears.
“Mason has already done another lap and you still haven’t checked it off!” Zoe growled, her face turning red along with mine.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll just tick them off when they’ve completely finished the race” I sighed.

“AND Mason has won! His brother Logon coming right up behind!” A male teachers voice was heard from the other side of the school. 
“15 minutes 33 seconds! I’m pretty sure that’s a new record!” Zoe jumped into the air in excitement. 
“Oh gosh, calm down.” I nudged Zoe, and she reluctantly sat down.
“Sorry, I get a bit excited sometimes,” Zoe began to breathe in and out calmly, then Malaki ran past….

“OH MY GOD MALAKIS DONE WITH 18 MINUTES AND 20 SECONDS AS HIS FINAL SCORE!” Zoe belowed, smashing my computer's keyboard.

“Hey hey hey!” I frowned, picking up Zoes now frozen hand, taking it off my computer.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Amazing Google Translator Re-writes my Poem!

Kia ora kotou! For free writing I have been writing poems, this is definitely not one of my best ones, but I decided to get a poem with longer words so I can put it into google translator. 
I put this poem in google translator, changed it to multiple languages, then back to English. Here is the outcome!
I did this with my friend Zara, go and check out her post!

Up above, far away, is where I wish to be today.
The stars they shine, bright through the night, letting off a beautiful light.
The galaxy holds the moons and the planets, a void of space and time.
We don't know why we're here, maybe it was destiny? Does someone in the galaxy have faith in me?
Maybe one day I will take the very first step, and the promise I made will have been kept.
The galaxy is where I will be. 
After all, the world has their faith in me.

Translated poem
Up, away, this where I want to be today.
The bright stars in the night leave a beautiful light.
Galaxies of the rhymer and planters, as well as utility and time.
What are the challenges he faces?
Perhaps someday I will take the first step,
and my promise remains the same.
Where is the galaxy?
After all the world trusts me.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Tough Amur Leopard!

This term we have been focusing on report writing. We have done multiple, including one on an endangered area of nature. I chose the Amur leopard.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Do you want to know how to convert decimals to fractions?

Decimal Lesson: Converting decimals to fractions!
Hey guys! Today I'm going to be giving you a lesson- how to convert decimals into fractions.
We have been doing decimal work for the past few weeks and my teacher gave us the task of create a slideshow/screen recording teaching others something to do with decimals, whatever you feel you are best at. Some people chose ordering decimals, some people chose converting fractions to decimals, I chose converting decimals into fraction! So her we go, on the last page of my slideshow is the table which you can print of and use in the future.
Warning: Turn your sound down to about 50% before watching!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Do this Crossword under the light of the moon!

Crossword - Week 6 Ako Must Do
Kia ora everyone!
This week for reading are ako must do was to create a crossword using 10 words from our book club book, my book club book was "The Moonlight Dreamers".
We could use any website we wanted and I used "the teachers corner" because why not?

On the first slide you can see the actual crossword, and on the second slide is the answers.
I Challenge You to complete my crossword, and tell me how many you got right!
It might be a bit time consuming, but you can do it!
If you are going to work this out- go into present mode!

Success criteria:
It has at least 10 challenging words and their descriptions
It all fits together.