
Monday, December 16, 2019

SLJ Wk1 D1. My families culture.

Kia ora,
For the SLJs Wk1 Day1 Activity 2 we were given the task to describe our culture and families background.
My Mum's is Irish and Moari, her tribe from Aotearoa was Ngāti Tūwharetoa, from Taupo.
My Dad's background is full of English and Scottish. We don't completely know it all, because my dads dad was adopted, and his adopted mother didn't speak of where he came from.
Image result for ngati tuwharetoa
The picture is shows where my mothers tribe was, and still is found, and I got it from

SLJ Day 1 activity 1 (And Week 1!) Food and stuff .

Kia ora everyone!
For the SLJs (Summer learning journeys) day 1 first activity, we were challenged to make a list of ten food items we would take with us if we were going to go on a sea voyage for multiple weeks (Also considering the fact that there would be no refrigerator and/or freezer to store the food, and give an explanation on why we would take each item. This ended up being a lot harder then I first anticipated, and I ended up staying up till 9:30 PM finishing this, so my apologies if it seems a bit lazy.

Aloe vera: This can be used as a healing item or it can be made into a drink or food, it can also last for quite a while without a refrigerator.
Seafood: Although this needs to be eaten quickly, seafood is a good source of energy, and when your out at sea, it's not going to be hard to find and catch more to eat.
Nuts: Nuts can last for AGES before expiring, and most are very healthy, too.
Dried fruit: Although dried fruit contains a high amount of sugar, it's sort of self explanatory why I put it on this list, and just like the nuts, dried fruit can last for a very long time before expiring.
Honey: Honey also lasts for an extremely long time before it expires, and it is easy to store as well.
Crackers: Although after a day or two they might get stale, crackers are a good food to fill you up. And if all else fails, at least you have your honey you can spread on the crackers.
Food capsules: Food. In a capsule. Last for a long time. Looks and sort of tastes like a pill. I have no more to say.
Dark chocolate, marshmallows, and candies: Well they can all last for a long time, and they taste delicious. Anything else?

I created the terrible picture with a wacom intuos tablet and an art program called Krita.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Fighting for fair- SLJ Teaser week activity 2 Day 4 (I'm Doing Them Randomly)

Kia ora everyone!
Today for literacy we were told to do a few more summer learning journey activities, I chose the one called "Fighting for freedom" which I turned to "Fighting for fair". We were told for this activity to: Think about an issue you would protest over (non-violently, of course!).  And then make an article about it. This made me think back to my art activity this term, our art was on "The power of taking action." I chose to do my collage art on animal cruelty and I highlighted the fact that animals are killed in a cruel way for our own satisfaction (I'm vegetarian lol). 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lorde- SLJ Teaser week activity 1

Kia ora team,
This week we were challenged to try out a few of the Summer Learning Journeys teaser week activities, I wanted to do the first activity, which was on Lorde because- actually, you know what, I don't need to explain why I did the Lorde activity. I just did. (New Zealand Royalty year 6-8)
Here is my "Custom Lorde Profile" I hope you like it!

Are you going to take part in this years SLJ? Tell me in the comments below! And please give me feedback!
Credits to Wikipedia & NBR for photos. :)