
Monday, December 16, 2019

SLJ Wk1 D1. My families culture.

Kia ora,
For the SLJs Wk1 Day1 Activity 2 we were given the task to describe our culture and families background.
My Mum's is Irish and Moari, her tribe from Aotearoa was Ngāti Tūwharetoa, from Taupo.
My Dad's background is full of English and Scottish. We don't completely know it all, because my dads dad was adopted, and his adopted mother didn't speak of where he came from.
Image result for ngati tuwharetoa
The picture is shows where my mothers tribe was, and still is found, and I got it from


  1. Kia ora Isabella, this is Kieryn from the Summer Learning Journey.
    You managed to get some awesome information about your culture and family background!
    You mentioned that your mum is both Irish and Moari, and your dad is both English and Scottish. It sounds like you have quite a mixture of cultures within you!
    You also mentioned that the Ngati Tuwharetoa tribe is from Taupo. I have never been to Taupo but it looks like a beautiful place to visit.
    Have you ever been to Taupo? If so, what did you do there?
    Keep up the excellent work!
    Nga mihi

    1. Hello again Keiryn, and again, thanks for commenting!
      Yes, I have been to Taupo, but I haven't since I was four or five. The last time I was there I met up with my Nana and cousins, who at the time lived in Taupo, but now live here in christchurch. we went biscuiting a few times on the lake last time I was there. Biscuiting is where a boat pulls an floating, biscuit shaped, and very strong inflatable across water behind it, my dad and I were on the biscuit, and as I was very little, of course I didn't want to lie on my stomach, so I sat up and fell off the biscuit into the lake! Luckily I was wearing a life jacket, and my dad jumped into the water to pull me back up onto the boat, while doing that he also lost his very expensive sunglasses. Sorry dad!

    2. Wow, biscuiting sounds like it would be such a fun activity to take part in!
      You mentioned that you would have been four or five when you were on the biscuit with your dad. It is pretty impressive how you weren't scared to participate at such a young age! Have you been biscuiting since then? If so, how did it go?
      Nga mihi


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