
Monday, December 16, 2019

SLJ Wk1 D1. My families culture.

Kia ora,
For the SLJs Wk1 Day1 Activity 2 we were given the task to describe our culture and families background.
My Mum's is Irish and Moari, her tribe from Aotearoa was Ngāti Tūwharetoa, from Taupo.
My Dad's background is full of English and Scottish. We don't completely know it all, because my dads dad was adopted, and his adopted mother didn't speak of where he came from.
Image result for ngati tuwharetoa
The picture is shows where my mothers tribe was, and still is found, and I got it from

SLJ Day 1 activity 1 (And Week 1!) Food and stuff .

Kia ora everyone!
For the SLJs (Summer learning journeys) day 1 first activity, we were challenged to make a list of ten food items we would take with us if we were going to go on a sea voyage for multiple weeks (Also considering the fact that there would be no refrigerator and/or freezer to store the food, and give an explanation on why we would take each item. This ended up being a lot harder then I first anticipated, and I ended up staying up till 9:30 PM finishing this, so my apologies if it seems a bit lazy.

Aloe vera: This can be used as a healing item or it can be made into a drink or food, it can also last for quite a while without a refrigerator.
Seafood: Although this needs to be eaten quickly, seafood is a good source of energy, and when your out at sea, it's not going to be hard to find and catch more to eat.
Nuts: Nuts can last for AGES before expiring, and most are very healthy, too.
Dried fruit: Although dried fruit contains a high amount of sugar, it's sort of self explanatory why I put it on this list, and just like the nuts, dried fruit can last for a very long time before expiring.
Honey: Honey also lasts for an extremely long time before it expires, and it is easy to store as well.
Crackers: Although after a day or two they might get stale, crackers are a good food to fill you up. And if all else fails, at least you have your honey you can spread on the crackers.
Food capsules: Food. In a capsule. Last for a long time. Looks and sort of tastes like a pill. I have no more to say.
Dark chocolate, marshmallows, and candies: Well they can all last for a long time, and they taste delicious. Anything else?

I created the terrible picture with a wacom intuos tablet and an art program called Krita.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Fighting for fair- SLJ Teaser week activity 2 Day 4 (I'm Doing Them Randomly)

Kia ora everyone!
Today for literacy we were told to do a few more summer learning journey activities, I chose the one called "Fighting for freedom" which I turned to "Fighting for fair". We were told for this activity to: Think about an issue you would protest over (non-violently, of course!).  And then make an article about it. This made me think back to my art activity this term, our art was on "The power of taking action." I chose to do my collage art on animal cruelty and I highlighted the fact that animals are killed in a cruel way for our own satisfaction (I'm vegetarian lol). 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lorde- SLJ Teaser week activity 1

Kia ora team,
This week we were challenged to try out a few of the Summer Learning Journeys teaser week activities, I wanted to do the first activity, which was on Lorde because- actually, you know what, I don't need to explain why I did the Lorde activity. I just did. (New Zealand Royalty year 6-8)
Here is my "Custom Lorde Profile" I hope you like it!

Are you going to take part in this years SLJ? Tell me in the comments below! And please give me feedback!
Credits to Wikipedia & NBR for photos. :)

Friday, November 22, 2019

Being An Adult Expectations V Reality

For the year 6's cyber smart we were challenged to make an Expectations V Reality table showing what it is apparently like to be an adult. My one is quite up front. BTS. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

The power of TAKING ACTION

Kia ora everyone!
This term our topic is: "The power of taking action" we are going to create an art piece to cause awareness of a situation (animal cruelty, racism, poverty, etc.) We will then use all the money we raised from selling/auctioning our art pieces and buy gifts for children who are less fortunate this Christmas. We will then all take the gifts down to the Cardboard cathedral were we will put all the gifts under the giving tree.
Here are examples of the art we may create:
Image result for animal awareness artistsImage result for animal awareness art cow eye
Have you ever done anything like this? Tell me your answer and opinions on the topic in the comments!

Friday, October 18, 2019

My Term 4 Goal Ladders

Kia ora everyone!
This term we had to create 2 goal ladders, one focusing on one of the 5 R's (Respect, Reciprocity, Resourcefulness, Resilience, Reflectiveness) and the other one focusing on a subject of our work.
Here are my Goal ladders, I am going to work towards achieving both my goals this term by following the steps on the ladders.
EDIT: I just realized I made a typo in the ladder :'(

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Persuasive writing

This week we had to write about if we thought children in NZ should be able to vote or not. My persuasive argument was very short, and not the best writing I have ever produced, but I hope you enjoy!

Kia ora everyone. I’m Isabella, and today I’m going to talk to you about why I believe
New Zealand children SHOULDN’T be able to vote.

I will start off with the fact that many children aren’t as responsible. Some children will accept bribes,
and some may vote
for the worst person running just to see what happens.

Next it could cause arguments between other children.
Some children are going to fight each other if they don’t agree.

Many children will only choose someone who is going to benefit them and not the country.

I hope now after listening to me that you will agree that kids in NZ shouldn’t be able to vote.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Digiawards entry: Innovative Otautahi

Kia ora whanau!
This term we have spent almost every afternoon working on our digiwards entries, the theme this year was "Innovative Otautahi"
Earlier this term we went on a field trip into the city, we learnt about the red zones, gap fillers, and the Christchurch earthquakes.Earlier this term we went on a field trip into the city, we learnt about the red zones, gap fillers, and the Christchurch earthquakes.
Finally we had to plan our video, my friends and I chose to do a video in the "Storytime" category.

Our video is about the earthquakes, the first scene is a bit slow but it's meant to be a bit like a campsite, and there is a big rockslide, it's then about some mythical creatures coming and brightening up the city, as well as encouraging some kids to help out.
By: Sophia Turnball, Isabella Smith, Olivia Ionita, & Zara Dick.
Special thanks to anyone who helped!
If you have any feed-

back or questions, please tell me in the comments!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Introducing yourself: Me! (Music quiz)

Kia ora team!
This week a small group in the Korimako hub took a music quiz, I don't really know what else to say about it so I'm just going to show you it! Here it is! 

Name: Isabella
Age: 11
Favorite band/musician/artist: BTS
Favorite band/musician/artist language: Korean, English
Favorite band/musician/artist genre(s): Kpop & Rap
Favorite song from Favorite band/musician/artist: Boy with luv, Fake love, Dna, Dope. (I can't decide)
Would you like to hear this played as the school bell/played in the classroom?: Yes!
Picture of Favorite band/musician/artist:
What's your favourite music band/musician? Tell me in the comments!

Persuasive writing: Why I believe pet birds should be kept inside.

Kia ora guys! Today I'm going to be sharing with you my first finished persuasive writing piece for 2019. It's about why I believe pet birds should be kept inside. The text is highlighted in specific colors to show the progressions my class has been working towards.
Red- Independently revise my work for clarity
Pink- Use suitable words for the text
Yellow- Use literally features that fit the text
Green- Support ideas with increasing detail and elaboration

Hi there! Today I’m going to be talking to you about why I believe pet birds should be kept indoors with their owners. I hope you take in what I have to say, and enjoy!

The first point I am going to bring up is that birds are extremely smart, & need countless hours of interaction a day. 
Birds are so smart it’s not even funny, most small and large parrots are smarter than dogs, and smaller birds like budgies, or cockatiels are more intelligent than cats.
If you buy a bird it should be bought as a companion, not as something to look at, birds need exercise and even if they are not tame, and shudder away from you when you put your hand near their cage, they do wish for attention and hours of fun everyday, they just don’t know if they should trust you or not, considering we are the giants and all. 
Birds need to be challenged, and their smart and funny nature shouldn’t be put to waste.

My next point is the fact that ALL birds are TeRiBlE in cold weather.
Birds are bad at adjusting to new climates, so especially in a place like New Zealand, where you can have like, every season in one singular day.
But what about in summer? You may ask, well well well, summertime can be even worse for your little birdy friends. Why do you think wild finches and fantails don’t live long? Birds have very long life expectancies, with budgies having 15 years, finches and canaries having 7 years, and larger parrots can have a life expectancy of 30-90 years!
In the summer most birds will die of heat, to cool down a bird that lives outside, you have two options, freeze bottles and put it on the floor of your cage, or give them a bird bath, that will later have the birds die of sudden temperature change.
Then another common way pet birds die in the summertime is of ticks, ticks are very hard to notice on birds, but a tick will easily burrow down into the bird, and start eating at it.
If birds get too much vitamin D from sunlight, it can be fatal, so unless you have a blanket over the birds cage, cutting them off from the world around them, your bird will live a very short and unhealthy life.

Speaking of unhealthy, my last point is about outdoor cages and aviaries, and how unhealthy they are for your birds.
When your birds are outside, you cannot monitor the amount of time your birds spend gnawing on the cage bars, both metal and wooden bars are very unhealthy for birds to chew on, and should immediately be stopped, this habit, however, takes a lot of time and dedication to stop.  
Outdoor cages & aviaries are much too small, In the wild your birds fly hundreds of Km’s a day! In order for your bird to get anywhere near the amount of recommended exercise is for them to be out, interacting with and following you around. 
Outdoor bird cages and aviaries easily get very messy and gross, they are hard to clean, and when they are outside they are often neglected and most of the time only cleaned out every week, some people even leave it and do it every month, even every 2!

In conclusion you can clearly see I am very passionate about keeping pet birds inside and engaged with you. There is a very inspirational person by the name of Marlene Mc'cohen who owns many parrots and birds, and is starting up a rescue for domestic birds. She advocates the # “Engaged not caged!” which I very much agree with. 

Hopefully I have convinced you that having a pet bird inside is much better than having one outdoors, thanks for listening, bye! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Girls basketball CAntERbuRy's

Kia Ora!
This Monday (The 12th of August) a small group of girls from the Korimako hub set off at 8:15 in the morning to Pioneer Stadium where the Canterbury's basketball was being held, I was a part of that small group. 
Last term we had the zones basketball, and the top two teams got through to Canterbury's, we came second and South New Brighton came first, we bet them in our first game at zones, but they bet us in our last.
At Canterbury's there were different pools of teams that were to verse each other, South New Brighton were in a different pool to us, but we both agreed to cheer for each other, and if one team doesn't get in, hopefully the other does. (Thanks South New Brighton)

We played six games with large gaps in between them. I really enjoyed playing against St Josephs Rangiora, where we ended up tying, but they were really good. Next time I would probably work on sticking next to the player I was marking and not moving too far away from them.
I feel like I used the "R" resourcefulness the most, and helped my teammates a lot.
We won 3 of our six games, we tied one, and lost two.
We cam 4th in our  pool and 14th overall.

That's all for today! If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments!

Friday, June 28, 2019

How to Duathlon (Not literally)

Kia ora everyone! A few months ago my friends and I recorded the schools duathlon, it was very stressful, but fun, I hope you enjoy!
*Click, Click, Click*
“FRIGGEN CLICk the checkbox! Cooper just ran past!” Zoe screeched in my ear as I hurriedly scrolled down the google sheet trying to find Cooper Cowles’s name. “Brooke Robertson has ran past now, it’s her third lap!” one spectator screamed at me.

“I’m not doing the girls! AND I’M NOT DEAF!” I turned to Zoe, and suddenly she look like my puppy does whenever he gets told off by my Mum. I patted Zoes head.
“Gold girl” I praised her, tempted to give her a treat. 

Zoe, Pandora, Sophia, and I were timing and keeping track of the positions. (It was very stressful) Suddenly, a stampede of boys raced past.

“ZAC MASON LOGIN TYLER MALAKI!” Zoe yelped, causing me to almost fall over in attempt to put my hands over my ears.
“Mason has already done another lap and you still haven’t checked it off!” Zoe growled, her face turning red along with mine.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll just tick them off when they’ve completely finished the race” I sighed.

“AND Mason has won! His brother Logon coming right up behind!” A male teachers voice was heard from the other side of the school. 
“15 minutes 33 seconds! I’m pretty sure that’s a new record!” Zoe jumped into the air in excitement. 
“Oh gosh, calm down.” I nudged Zoe, and she reluctantly sat down.
“Sorry, I get a bit excited sometimes,” Zoe began to breathe in and out calmly, then Malaki ran past….

“OH MY GOD MALAKIS DONE WITH 18 MINUTES AND 20 SECONDS AS HIS FINAL SCORE!” Zoe belowed, smashing my computer's keyboard.

“Hey hey hey!” I frowned, picking up Zoes now frozen hand, taking it off my computer.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Amazing Google Translator Re-writes my Poem!

Kia ora kotou! For free writing I have been writing poems, this is definitely not one of my best ones, but I decided to get a poem with longer words so I can put it into google translator. 
I put this poem in google translator, changed it to multiple languages, then back to English. Here is the outcome!
I did this with my friend Zara, go and check out her post!

Up above, far away, is where I wish to be today.
The stars they shine, bright through the night, letting off a beautiful light.
The galaxy holds the moons and the planets, a void of space and time.
We don't know why we're here, maybe it was destiny? Does someone in the galaxy have faith in me?
Maybe one day I will take the very first step, and the promise I made will have been kept.
The galaxy is where I will be. 
After all, the world has their faith in me.

Translated poem
Up, away, this where I want to be today.
The bright stars in the night leave a beautiful light.
Galaxies of the rhymer and planters, as well as utility and time.
What are the challenges he faces?
Perhaps someday I will take the first step,
and my promise remains the same.
Where is the galaxy?
After all the world trusts me.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Tough Amur Leopard!

This term we have been focusing on report writing. We have done multiple, including one on an endangered area of nature. I chose the Amur leopard.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Do you want to know how to convert decimals to fractions?

Decimal Lesson: Converting decimals to fractions!
Hey guys! Today I'm going to be giving you a lesson- how to convert decimals into fractions.
We have been doing decimal work for the past few weeks and my teacher gave us the task of create a slideshow/screen recording teaching others something to do with decimals, whatever you feel you are best at. Some people chose ordering decimals, some people chose converting fractions to decimals, I chose converting decimals into fraction! So her we go, on the last page of my slideshow is the table which you can print of and use in the future.
Warning: Turn your sound down to about 50% before watching!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Do this Crossword under the light of the moon!

Crossword - Week 6 Ako Must Do
Kia ora everyone!
This week for reading are ako must do was to create a crossword using 10 words from our book club book, my book club book was "The Moonlight Dreamers".
We could use any website we wanted and I used "the teachers corner" because why not?

On the first slide you can see the actual crossword, and on the second slide is the answers.
I Challenge You to complete my crossword, and tell me how many you got right!
It might be a bit time consuming, but you can do it!
If you are going to work this out- go into present mode!

Success criteria:
It has at least 10 challenging words and their descriptions
It all fits together.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Week 5 Ako Must Do's

Kia Ora Whanau!
Posted below is a slide I have created for my Week 5 Ako activities, this week we had 3, please go check the completed activities and give me feedback!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Smart Surfing Slide

Kia ora whanau!
 For cybersmart today we where given a few tasks on "surfing the web" to refresh our memories, here's my completed "Smart surfing slide"

Week 4 Ako Then Do

Kia ora Whanau!
For Ako week 4 one of our then do's (what we do after we are finished our diary entry) was to go on Wonderopolis and read an article, my teacher challenged me to put it on my blog, so here it is!
In this article I read a bit about Axolotl (or Mexican walking fish), since I already know quite a bit this certain animal, I thought that it would be interesting to read about other peoples views on them.
This article was specifically aimed around the question "Is an Axolotl a Fish or an Amphibian?" I already knew that they are Amphibians, due to them being able to breathe on land, but it was cool to read the comments about what other people originally thought.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Week 4 AKO

Kia ora everyone! For week 4 AKO we had to write a diary entry for a character we had read about in a book, so I did the Swallow from the Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde.
Tip - click the images to enlarge it.
I think this meets the success criteria.

The Powerful Fire Whirl - Powerful Nature Report

Kia ora whanua! 
This term our inquiry focus is on the power of nature, and for writing we have been given the task of writing a report about and aspect of nature that can potentially be powerful - I chose the Fire Whirl!

Tip - to enlarge this, click on it!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Term 2 Report Writing Rubric

Kia ora everyone!

For writing this term we are doing report writing, we were given the task to create a rubric to look back on when we write our actual reports.
P.S. some of the text may float of the screen, I apologize in advance.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Week 2 ako - Story web

For week 2 ako we had to create a story web for our book club book- here's mine!
I believe my story web fits the success criteria, e.g. it includes the characters, setting, and plot, as well as it being relatively eye catching. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Week 1 ako - Book cover

In week 1 for reading our ako task was to create a title page & blurb for our book club book we had been reading. (I had been reading a set of Oscar Wilde books, but decided just to create a cover for "The Happy Prince") 
The first page of my slideshow is the title, and the second page is the blurb.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Bird Cruelty Poster Cringe Thing-

During an inquiry session I was an early finisher, and so I decided I'd create a poster around quite a controversial subject - whether pet birds should interact with the owners, so yeah.
If You can't see the info then you can click on the photo and it should hopefully enlarge.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Word Art

Kia Ora Tamariki! 

This last week we've been trying out word art, the year sixes did it last year about ourselves, but never mind. This year we had to do it on things that make us feel like we belong in our environment, my first one that I'm going to show (The red & black one) is about what makes me feel like I belong in school, and the second one describes what makes me feel like I belong in New Zealand.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Answer These Camp Survey Questions!

Favorite Activity?
Least Favorite?

How many surveyed students/teachers?

Where did this info come from?
Answer the questions in the comment section below!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Korimako Living Springs Camp Recount 2019

Kia ora whanua!
Here is my Korimako camp recount, we have been writing these for the past week now, and I apologize for the inconvenient size!
Have a nice day!



Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Korimako Living Springs Camp 2019

Korimako Living Springs Camp 2019

Kia ora tamariki! Last Wednesday on the 20th of february almost all of us in Korimako went to living springs for a two night camp.
There were heaps of activities that we got chances to take part of, one of which, was something called 'low ropes' and it was my favorite activity. We had to overcome heaps of challenges climbing across bridges and thin ropes, if we accomplished each challenge in the time given, we had the choice put blindfolds on and attempt the challenges with it on.

The bus was meant to drive us to and drop us off  at governors bay were we would meet up with a couple of the living springs staff and walk ALL the way up to the living springs farm park, whoever, the bus driver drove all the way to the farm park,and they had to turn around and drive us all he way back to governors bay. After we had walked up to the farm park we had lunch, and then the challenges began, we had to walk all the way up through farm land and to the top of a massive hill where the main camp was.

On the last night students (And parents) had the chance to take part in a got talent show, It was quite scary for me when I got up on stage, and I knew for a fact it was scary for almost everyone else too, whoever after my performance I felt good, although I did feel like cringing a lot.

Over all it was heaps of fun at the living springs camp, and I was a li'l' sad when it was time to go home.